Unlocking the Power of Ghostwriters: 5 Reasons to Hire One for Your Next Book

Yesterday my literary agent and I discussed a leveling out of the publishing industry after the pandemic’s impact on book writing and sales. We landed on a discussion as to whether or not ghostwriters are still as much in demand as they were three years ago. I’ve also been having a similar discussion with writing colleagues as we discuss the rise of AI. Are we ghostwriters still a relevant profession? I believe that words are the foundation of our very existence and therefore they’ll remain solid through all the ups and downs of other life changes. Ghostwriters are still needed. In this blog, I’ll share five reasons to hire a ghostwriter for your next book.

  1. Lack of Writing Experience - One of the top reasons I’ve heard from authors needing ghostwriters is that they’re simply not writing experts. I’ve met countless individuals with wonderful stories to tell. However, many of them have limited writing skills. Spelling, grammar, mechanics, style - they’re all things that ghostwriters have top of mind while eliminating the concern for authors.  Ghostwriters help massage stories into manuscripts and formats for those that aren’t writing experts.

  2. Time Constraints - Busy professionals and individuals often do not have the time to write a book. Because a ghostwriters’ job is simply to write, they’ve got time. Additionally, ghostwriters can expedite the writing process for authors and other professionals. What would take the average person months or years trying to write during their free time, a ghostwriter can dedicate consecutive hours towards the project’s completion. 

  3. Expertise in a Specific Topic - Nonfiction ghostwriters are often great partners for subject matter experts. Ghostwriters have the ability to distill a wealth of information into understandable, relatable content for audiences. Additionally, some ghostwriters bring expertise in a specific area or genre. Their knowledge adds authenticity to the content they are producing for the author.

  4. Overcoming Writer’s Block - Sometimes it’s simply hard to write. Ghostwriters can provide creative solutions and keep the writing process on track. Sometimes it’s as simple as sharing the idea or premise and allowing the ghostwriter to do the heavy lifting of figuring out how to make it make sense for your audience.

  5. Multiple Projects - There’s an old adage that two heads are better than one. Some professionals may be juggling multiple writing projects at a time. Ghostwriters can assist in managing various book projects simultaneously.

While the publishing industry is settling, room still exists at the table for ghostwriters. Authors choose to utilize the services of a ghostwriter for many things including saving time and strengthening their expertise. Overcoming writing block, cutting time to market, and  increasing output on projects are additional reasons to explore collaborative writing arrangements. If you’re an aspiring author or considering how to release your next work, now is a great time to learn more about the ghostwriting process


Exactly What Do You Do, as a Ghostwriter Danielle?


A Brief History of Ghostwriting